Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Practical Apache Sling: Caveats Part I

This is a continuing saga so the post will be updated as I meet and deal with the various quirks and undocumented caveats:

  • At the time of writing the latest version of Apache Sling Feature can only be installed on to Karaf 4.2.0.M2. This is not obvious from the description of the process required to install Apache Sling 0.1.1-SNAPSHOT as a feature at: https://sling.apache.org/documentation/karaf.html#sling-karaf-featureshttps://sling.apache.org/documentation/karaf.html#sling-karaf-features
  • Again - at the time of writing, the starter WAR for Sling - org.apache.sling.starter-10-webapp.war, fails to run on Apache Tomcat - apache-tomcat-9.0.0.M8. You can get the Sling WAR to run on apache-tomcat-8.5.28. Even on apache-tomcat-8.5.28, you may need to unpack the war and tweak the web.xml for overlapping mapping issues for JSPs
  • With Tomcat (8.5.28) it was still not possible to just install Sling and have it run correctly. The overall system seems to be depend on being the root application and links are broken if an arbitrary context is chosen/created. My simple fix for now has been to simply unpack the Sling war contents into the ROOT webapp

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